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Idea - Free image download

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Image Description: Eureka! This word is usually accompanied by the image of a mad scientist throwing a wild finger into the air; this single finger means that a great idea is here! That is not the only role that this friendly finger fills - pardon the pun, but this is, after all, the most popular nose picking finger! The index finger is also referred to as the pointer finger, the forefinger, or even sometimes as the trigger finger, and this digit is the most sensitive and dexterous finger that we have. The finger’s position in the picture may be the result of a great idea, but it could also be doing a “we're number one” cheer like they do at sporting events. There is an entire market of giant foam hands with the raised forefinger dedicated to dumbing down the great idea finger just a little.

Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: idea, attention, warning, concept, insight, message, index finger, hands, palm, fist, limb, geek, nerd, eureka, forefinger, result, nota bene, NB, one, number one, point, first, fore, single, index, trigger, action, digital, digit, raised

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