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Extended pen - Free picture for websites

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Image Description: A photograph of a blue ballpoint pen being handed off to someone else. It is always convenient to have an extra pen in your bag, and of course it's always nice to share! Pens are a handy way to always have a reliable writing instrument; the ink applied to the paper is usually permanent and will last for many years without fading away. Most pens these days are of the ballpoint variety; they will dispense a viscous oil-based ink around a small brass or steel ball. These balls are typically 0.7 mm to 1.2 mm big, and that size is what will account for the fineness of the tip and the width of the ink line. The ballpoint pen has replaced the the fountain pen because it is more reliable, and quite inexpensive.

Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: pencil, pen, hands, fingers, fist, idea, plan, suggestion, solution, point, planning, ink, schedule, busy, direction, presentation, report, reporting, argumentation, explain, show, project, share, ballpoint pen, hand off, writing, tools, research

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