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Panhandling - Free photo for websites

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Image Description: This gesture is one way to ask for something without having to say it out loud, like if a person was panhandling or begging. A person could be holding their hand out like the one in the picture and, if they they looked the part, another person would easily take the gesture to mean that they are asking for money - even change will do! This gesture does also look similar to the position someone would put their hand into while approaching an unfamiliar dog. Dogs like to smell you before they get too close and extending your hand slowly like this allows them to approach you and give you the once over before allowing you to pet them; this will avoid random bites from skittish dogs.

Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: panhandling, money, begging, mendicant, dollar, pound, poor, gesture, palm, hands, fingers, benefaction, handout, charity, beggar, beggary, poverty, beg, ask for money, penury, donation, favor, misery, the poor, distress, necessity, need, beggarliness

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