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Pigeon - Free photo online

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Image Description: Hands are pulled together in such a way that you easily recognize a pigeon formed with palms and fingers. You look at the pigeon from its back and it is flying away with wings lifted high above its head. The pigeonТs head is made of two thumbs and the rest of fingers of both hands make up gorgeous wings. As a rule, they make up birds and animals against the light. This is how they achieve perfect images in shadows. In shadows those birds and animals look so good that you often forget that they have been made of hands.

Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: pigeon, hippy, bird, peace, gesture, hands, fingers, palm, thumb, imitation, simulation, flight, fly, air, symbol, animal, earth, wings, virtual, sky

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