Image Description: This photograph is showing a wrist lock move that is popular with many fighters and wrestlers. This move is not really a practical move for everyday street fighting; the downside is that the other person is probably involved in his own variety of punches and grabs and he will certainly be sweaty and moving quickly, so it is difficult to set this move up when you don't know where the other person's hands are going to be. A solution to this is to create an opportunity so you will know where his hands will be. If you really want to pull off this move during a street fight, you can poke your opponent in the eyes; you'll know where his hands are going to go then! While his hands are briefly up by his face, you can take advantage of this and pop him into a wrist lock position!
Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: wrist-lock grip, martial arts, defence, attack, gesture, hands, fingers, fist, palm, jing yang, connection, gestural, gestural expression, communication, body language, link, connect, linking, links, chain, wrist lock, wrestle, move, signing, sign language, signer, grab, hold, position, fighting, martial