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Relations - Free image download

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Image Description: This nice photograph of a young man and a young lady holding hands is definitely a show of tenderness and affection. People hold hands in lots of situations; to express friendship, to pray, to stay together in a crowd, to show love and physical intimacy, for emotional support, to help someone walk, and also to dance. Holding hands like the couple in the picture is a nice way to walk yet still have some personal space. In our western culture, teenage girls and parents with children are the people who are most likely to hold hands with each other, but in some other parts of the world, like parts of Asia and Africa, men and boys will also take part in this affectionate and respectful activity.

Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: relationships, hands, fingers, family, together, love, wife, husband, dating, date, proposal, wedding, fiance, groom, bride, collaborate, join, couple, relations, relationship, trust, holding hands, tenderness, affection, hold hands, friendship, connection, intimacy, support, affectionate, culture, romance, pair, lovers, friends

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