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Watch - Free photo download

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Image Description: It's five o'clock somewhere, right? This pointing your index finger at your wrist is an almost universal sign of asking what the time is. It's a great hand gesture if you are communicating with with a person who is hard of hearing, or if you are traveling to a place where you are unfamiliar with the language. People point to their wrist to ask for the time simply because that is where most people wear their watch. I doubt that people ever pointed to their stomach area to ask the time on pocket watches, but when wristwatches became popular this particular gesture caught on.

Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: watch, clocks, hands, gesture, point, time, money, date, appointment, meeting, delay, late, schedule, fingers, bracelet, lack, countdown, time management, what time, high time, hurry, world, clock, time zone, GMT, summertime, wrist, accessories, inquire, sign

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