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Monster - Free image download

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Image Description: This picture is a great shot of zombie fingers, or tickle fingers as they are called in homes containing children! Kids will giggle before you even touch their skin once they learn over time that when these monstrous digits come out, there are going to be some tickles happening. While it could remind you of a particular dance sequence from the Thriller video, this gesture can also remind you of your childhood, getting chased around the yard by your older cousins who will pin you down and torture you will dancing, tickling fingers. A hand motion like this will usually be taken in a playful way, and this gesture will usually cause the recipient to at the very least chuckle - or perhaps even run away shrieking.

Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: monster, attack, grin, evil, wild, claws, paw, hands, nails, sharp, cat, danger, zombie, apocalypse, fingers, gesture, aggression, aggressive, interpretation, signer, sign perception, manual communication, signing, hand shapes, body language, signed language, gestural, zombie attack, torture, monstrous

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