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Praying - Royalty free photo

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Image Description: The hand gesture in this photograph signifies someone praying or pleading. This person could be performing a religious prayer, or practicing another form of prayer, either taking place in private, or in a public church or temple. Holding your hands in this way looks like someone might be pleading or even confessing a sin, and this form of hand gesture is usually a spiritual act. Sometimes the prayer is for or about someone else, especially if the person being prayed for is sick, or even dead. A person could be praying for guidance in a particularly difficult situation or time in their lives.

Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: praying, church, christianity, catholic, cathedral, god, problem, solution, hands, fingers, expectation, wait, together, help, support, collaborate, join, beg, begging, desperate, longing, emotions, religion, religious, prayer, hopes, believer, belief, stress, beggar, pleading

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