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Retractable pen - Free picture for blogs

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Image Description: A unique photograph of a right handed arm holding a blue ball point pen; he looks to be in mid click on the top trigger. There are a variety of style of pens around these days, but the most common and least expensive one is the ballpoint pen, like the one being readied for use in the photo. Clicking a pen is a common distraction habit, similar to doodling, and people will often do it repeatedly while thinking about a project or trying to figure something out. It can be a useful noise that may actually allow you to meditate on your thoughts, but in an office setting it could be a nightmarish sound to your neighbor. This sound of “click click click” may be like Chinese water torture to your cubicle or office mate, so be respectful of your ball point pens people!

Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: retractable pen, pencil, writer, author, novel, poetry, documents, contract, fingers, hands, palm, fist, blogging, blogger, procrastinate, blog, blogging ideas, blogwriting, content, content creation, reply, copywriting, authorship, writing, clicking, pen, distraction, project, startup, ball point pen, click

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