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Baobab shadow figure - Free photo for blogs

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Image Description: An upwards shot of a shadowy baobab tree. You can see from this very close picture that the bark is very cork-like, but you can't see that it is also fire resistant, or that it can be turned into rope and clothing. This tree is known as the 'tree of life' because of the clothing, food, shelter, and water that it provides for the animals, including humans, who are lucky enough to live in their vicinity. The fruit that the baobab tree produces is about the size of a coconut, and it has a velvety shell and a slight acidic flavor; the taste is said to resemble a cross between a pear, grapefruit, and pure vanilla. The giant trunk of the baobab tree can reach 36 feet in diameter and will hold hundreds of liters of water, allowing it to be tapped by humans during the dry season.

Image category: Green (Sustainability, Environmental issues, Nature etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: baobab, shadow, nature, landscape, tree, green, park, environment, sustainability, ecosystem, cork-like, water storage, fire resistant, survive, Madagascar, tabaldi, bottle tree, upside-down tree, monkey bread tree, traditional medicine, leaf vegetable, swollen, stout, boab, boaboa, giant, silhouette, natural, tree of life, indigenous, greenery, sustainable

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