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Baobab and thatched roofs - Royalty free photo

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Image Description: This baobab tree is towering over the thatched roofs of the shops below. It is common for people to utilize the hollow trunk of mature baobab trees; they provide a nice living space for many animals and humans, and are used as bars, barns, and even beer and wine shops. A popular pub that is built inside of a 72 foot high hollow baobab trunk is called The Big Baobab Pub, a popular watering hole in Limpopo, South Africa. The cork-like bark of the baobab is naturally fire resistant, and is often used to make rope and cloth. The leaves can be used as medicines, and even condiments, and its 'monkey bread fruit is an edible source of copious amounts of vitamin C.

Image category: Green (Sustainability, Environmental issues, Nature etc)

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Tags: baobab, thatch, roof, cafe, souvenir, shop, boaboa, boab, stout, swollen, indigenous, medicine, leaf vegetable, bald, roots, African, Australian, trunk, cork-like, giant, tourist attraction, traditional medicine, monkey bread tree, water storage, upside-down tree, bottle tree, tabaldi, Madagascar, fire resistant, greenery

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