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Roof garden - Free photo for blogs

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Image Description: Rooftop gardens are quickly becoming a popular way for urban dwellers to grow their own food, not to mention to do their small part in the push for a healthier planet, but you’ve not likely ever laid eyes on one this size! Adorning the top of what appears to be a three-storey office building, the caretakers of this green patch have chosen to forego vegetables in favor of tall trees and large ferns, making for an entirely unnatural sight of natural beauty. The trees look to be palms, though the distance makes it difficult to tell with certainty, and there are thick, sturdy hedges running along the sides of the roof, hemming in the trees - and the gardeners - safely and securely.

Image category: Green (Sustainability, Environmental issues, Nature etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: roof garden, roof, garden, gardening, green, city, cityscape, city life, plantation, verdurization, ecology, improvement, oxigen, vital, vitality, palm, architecture, rooftop, city green, greenery, summer, workday, perfect, office, rest, lunch time, rooftop garden, urban, green planet, lungs, city nature, environment, green patch, palms, exotic

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