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Green leaves - Royalty free photo

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Image Description: This long reach of varied green leaves is hanging out over what looks to be a paved path through a public park. The bush that owns the leaves is a typical one, with a look found in similar plants around the world. Still, while it may be typical, the plant is beautiful, with its uncountable green leaves serving as the perfect example of what a healthy plant looks like, making it a very worthy photographic subject. On the other side of the path, we see similar plants, along with at least one tree staggered in their midst, surely making for a lovely stroll at any time of the day.

Image category: Green (Sustainability, Environmental issues, Nature etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: green, leaf, leaves, tree, bush, nature, shadow, footpath, pavement, way, road, gardening, herbs, plants, vegetation, sprouts, branches, foliage, bushes, path, plant life, trees, sustainability, environment, sustainable, natural resources, greenery, public park, park, city park, city green

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