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Fluffy palmtrees - Free photo for blogs

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Image Description: You may think you know what a palm tree looks like, but you’ve surely never come across a configuration of palm trees as strange as this before! Towering above its neighboring foliage, there are at least three of the trees serving to make up this conglomerate, perhaps more, with the thick leaves of each pushing together in order to create a fluffy effect that looks more like a living wall than like any variation of tree at all. Only slightly less impressive than the massive palm tree configuration is the dusty, mountainous terrain in the background, with both elements combining to give an image of some strange cross between a deserted island, and a desert c.

Image category: Green (Sustainability, Environmental issues, Nature etc)

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Tags: palmtree, fluffy, green, nature, warm, sunny day, oasis, desert, road, palms, trees, landscape, scenery, three, family, mountainous, terrain, dusty, massive, cross, foliage, conglomerate, thick, bright, sunny, greenery, ecosystem, environment, plants, sustainability, natural beauty

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