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Red tree - Free image for websites

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Image Description: Serving as the perfect example of autumn, this photograph reminds us that red and gold leaves are one of the first signs that summer is coming to a close. Residing on the side of a relatively steep hill, this large tree is only one of many in our view, with an equally tall tree just barely creeping into the right side of the frame, with its green foliage contrasting sharply with the red found in our main specimen. Off in the distance, we see a treeline that likely represents a grove of trees, if not an entire forest, where any visitor could expect to take in the whole spectrum of the distinctive colors offered up by the fall season.

Image category: Green (Sustainability, Environmental issues, Nature etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: red, tree, leaves, red leaves, autumn, blue, blue sky, sunny day, landscape, hiking, hike, unique, colorful, colors, nature, fresh, air, airy, summer, cloudless, plants, photosynthesis, forest, stand alone, spectrum, season, gold, green, foliage, scenery, picturesque

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