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Zebra toy - Free image for blogs

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Image Description: A teeny tiny plastic zebra standing in a backyard savannah of small pebbles and sand box sand. Playing make believe is easy to do when the toys are so detailed and lifelike. The white on the toy looks like it's gleaming, and the delicate black stripes are perfectly applied; the small zebra even has a touch of pink inside its ears. Small animals of all species intrigue small children, and they can spend hours wasting away an afternoon pretending they are in the jungle with their wild friends. With a few items that are already hanging around the house, it’s easy to set up a realistic scene; just grab some sandbox sand, a few twigs, and a water dish for the community drinking hole, and you're all set!

Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: zebra, toy, game, play, sand, beach, animal, wildlife, kids, children, wild animals, urban wildlife, survival, extinct, lonely, unique, stripes, black and white, individual, equids, horse family, species, specimen, untamed, wild, uniqueness, plains zebra, savannah, sand box, pebbles, make believe, lifelike

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