Image Description: While there is no mistaking it for anything other than a plastic replica, this toy camel easily brings to mind the tough, treacherous journeys that those animals have had to make over time. Set against tiny pebbles that would make for medium-sized rocks were the camel of a well-proportioned size, the photograph gives an impression of just the kinds of cold, dry, and generally heartless landscapes that nomads and herders have had to brave for thousands of years, always with their trusted and trusty camels at their sides, carrying supplies and riders from place to place as groups switched destinations in order to find new sources of food and water.
Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)
Ownership Status: Please, subscribe, to obtain this photo
Tags: camel, toy, sand, desert, play, caravan, traveling, replica, plastic, toy camel, journey, treacherous, animals, pebbles, walking, strolling, landscape, nomads, herders, destination, travelers, traversing, camel trains , alone, enduring, aim, Silk Road