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Toy zebra and camel - Free art photo

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Image Description: toy zebra and camel on a wooden table. There may be no mistaking that these two animals are actually tiny plastic renditions of the real things, but this zebra and camel duo still manage to be vibrant in their appearance, giving the impression of a random meeting taken place in some African savannah. Cast against the dark, aged wood of a tabletop, the animals are facing each other, as if in conversation. That dark wood does well to bring out the brighter orange of the camel, while the zebra’s dark stripes almost melt away into the background, allowing its white to serve as the brightest area in the frame.

Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: toys, animals, wildlife, play, kids, children, entertainment, fun, humor, joy, zebra, camel, zoo, species, communication, conversation, community, communicate, social media, friendship, cooperation, childhood, figures

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