Image Description: Representing two of the most memorable characters from the Star Wars franchise, these Lego reconstructions of R2-D2 and C-3PO are masterfully crafted, seemingly losing nothing of their authenticity in being turned into tiny plastic toys. The photo itself is a simple one, presenting the two toys on a wooden tabletop, allowing the colorful characters to get all of the shine. C-3PO’s upraised hand is the only distinctive motion to be seen between the two, giving the impression that he is waving goodbye - perhaps to the Millenium Falcon as it lifts off of the surface of Tatooine with Luke Skywalker aboard.
Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)
Ownership Status: Please, subscribe, to obtain this photo
Tags: lego, toys, robot, R2-D2, C-3PO, star wars, legend, space, construction toys, droid, Star Wars universe, Artoo, Artoo-Detoo, robot character, Threepio, 3PO , See-Threepio, play, kids, children, minifigures, plastic toys, playing, tabletop, colorful, Millenium Falcon, George Lucas, space, epic, games, reconstructions, crafts, entertainment