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Window - Royalty free image

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Image Description: Talk about window treatments! This unique window in a white brick wall has all of the looks of an ancient portal that likely belonged to a church or other place of religious worship, though the wrought iron work keeping it sealed could very well indicate a prison! The iron itself is quite beautiful, twisted into spirals of various sizes that sometimes connect with others around them, and sometimes not. While a bit dusty in areas, the iron work’s black sheen contrasts sharply with the fresh white walls of the building itself, with the slight shadows created by the uneven awnings and sill throwing in another layer of shading.

Image category: Home Improvement (Architecture, construction, interior design, plumbing, etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: window, architecture, arc, arch, gate, treillage, hammer work, wall, building, front, sight, insight, tree, plant, art, white, intricate, wind eye, ventilation, frame, float glass, glazed, light, passage, opening, transparent, hope, brick, iron work, sealed, intricateprison, twisted, spirals, ancient building, ancient, portal, woven, black

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