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Lanterns - Free image for websites

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Image Description: This beautiful piece of history is surely brilliant when lit up at night! The nine lanterns have crosses on top, and they all meet in the middle, resulting in a magnificent work of art. The black metal of the lantern stands out against the sky during the day showing off all of the amazing detailed ironwork. This lantern has a distinctive cathedral style and may be very close to a church or significant area.This particular multi-lantern stands independent, but some lanterns are fixed to a building with permanent wiring. Not all lanterns are electrical; some are solar-powered, some hold an open flame, and others have even been known to be lit with the charge of captured fireflies.

Image category: Home Improvement (Architecture, construction, interior design, plumbing, etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: lantern, church, cathedral, cross, light, lamp, illumination, illustrate, overshine, multiple, lighting, illuminate, lights, electrical, torch, outdoors, street lights, electrical energy, electric power, historic, ancient, vintage, work of art, architecture, europe, metal, ironwork, style, decorative, design, fancy, intricate, ingenious

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