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Front with black gates - Free picture for blogs

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Image Description: This photograph depicts a lovely white antique building that has a black iron gate, with two noteworthy lamps overhanging the door itself. The detail on this historic building is just exquisite, especially over the windows and around the door. The wall lanterns are almost undetectable against the white background, but they still manage to stand out as a lovely addition to the building. The stone driveway leading up the gate is also designed with a light colored stone, completing a theme of pure white building materials used throughout the property, perhaps especially noteworthy in considering whether or not this building was used as a religious center.

Image category: Home Improvement (Architecture, construction, interior design, plumbing, etc)

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Tags: front, black, gate, lantern, street, window, block-stone, turn, ancient building, building, door, way, gates, antique, white, iron gate, architecture, moulding, elegant, lamp, exquisite, windows, driveway, stone, historic building, yard, bars, old, entrance, sightseeing, excursion

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