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Balconies - Free downloadable image

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Image Description: These sunny day balconies are reminiscent of European apartments. The architecture in this white building looks stylish and elegant. Balconies are a convenient place for people to enjoy a little bit of nature at a time, and they are a lot less pressure on their owners than having a big yard to maintain. Balconies also present a good opportunity to grow small batches of flowers or potted vegetables; tomatoes, for example, grow well in small spaces, and so do herbs. While on vacation, a balcony or patio can provide someone a place to safely observe their new surroundings while enjoying unfamiliar areas from afar. The view of any cityscape is enhanced as you look at it from above.

Image category: Home Improvement (Architecture, construction, interior design, plumbing, etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: front, balconies, balcony, flowers, architecture, city, sunny day, cityscape, street, home, hotel, travel, white, europe, summer, apartment, residence, flat, dwelling, quarters

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