Image Description: This wakame salad - basically a seaweed salad - may look like an acquired taste - and it often is - but it is also one of the most popular dishes being served in the midst of the world’s ongoing sushi craze. This particular serving consists of light green wakame leaves, all doused in what appear to be cucumber seeds, a popular way of serving the dish thanks to its typical inclusion of freshly chopped cucumbers. In a smaller, but neatly matching dish, a vinaigrette sits waiting to be added to the main course. While it’s impossible to tell from a photograph, the typical dressing used with wakame salad is based on rice wine vinegar and salt.
Image category: Food (Recipes, Vegan, Traditional, Regional, Restaurants)
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Tags: wakame salad, salad, wakame, sauce, japanese, food, diet, vegan, vegetarian, sea, weed, restaurant, sesame, seed, ajonjoli, benne, dish, eat, nutrition, healthy, seaweed, national, cuisine, dressing, wine vinegar, salty, spicy, recipe, sushi, doused, serving, low calories, kitchen ware, eating out, sweet