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Kiwi fruit - Free to use image

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Image Description: This photograph gives us a peek at a perfectly sliced kiwi, with the fruit positioned almost stylishly to the left side. One of the more contentious fruits out there - you either love them or hate them, as a general rule - the kiwi is a very unique food, offering many distinguishing characteristics. The view in the particular photograph is truly amazing, allowing us to take in every facet of this fascinating fruit, from the hairs on its skin to its almost hypnotic seedy center. Obviously most notable is its deep shade of green, a color that fades ever more lightly as your eyes journey to its center.

Image category: Food (Recipes, Vegan, Traditional, Regional, Restaurants)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: kiwi, fruit, food, green, vegan, vegetarian, cut, nutrition, diet, seeds, bright, calories, juicy, kiwifruit, edible, berry, egg, soft , sweet , unique, flavor, fuzzy, China, Chinese , gooseberry, juiciness, taste, palatable, low calories, sliced, dieting, intake, nutritional value, seedy, color, closeup, fruit salad, fruity, desserts, meat tenderizer, papain, actinidain, enzyme

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