Image Description: Mandarin oranges with leaves look like just picked from the tree. This photograph shows us three mandarin oranges, still with leaves, looking as if they were just picked from the tree. Mandarin oranges are a great snack to eat on their own or in a salad. One great thing about mandarin oranges is that they are tremendously easy to peel, and the segments split without any effort or squirting juices; this makes them very convenient to eat because they do not require any utensils. The mandarin orange is a variety of orange from a small citrus tree, one which is fairly hearty and more drought-tolerant than the fruit itself, which is tender and easily damaged.
Image category: Food (Recipes, Vegan, Traditional, Regional, Restaurants)
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Tags: mandarin-orange, leaves, fruit, food, nutrition, vitamins, juice, fresh, red, oranges, vegan, vegetarian, nutrients, still life, meal, detox, cleanse, garden, gardening, green, ecology, ecological, low calories, tasty, delicious, sweet, tropical, treat, natural