Image Description: If you thought that bell peppers were interesting on the outside, wait until you get a look at the inside of this one! Featuring a highly unique seed pod that has a look uncannily like the pepper itself, this red specimen’s seeds can be seen clutching the upper part of pod. The photo is a colorful one, fading from green at the stem, to the bright red of the pepper’s skin, then back to a green shade again within the vegetable. Where the pepper has been sliced, glistening moisture is clearly visible, reflecting the light above in a way that serves to show us every crinkle in its flesh.
Image category: Food (Recipes, Vegan, Traditional, Regional, Restaurants)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: sweet pepper, sweet, pepper, cut in half, in half, red, green, food, diet, nutrition, vegan, vegetarian, vegetable, inside, pregnancy, grow, funny, salad, bright, bell pepper, seed, pod, colorful, spring, stem, sliced, flesh, half, divided, slice, fleshy, calories, low calories, dieting