Image Description: There is a promise of a delicious meal to come to be found in this photograph of six spoons holding six very different varieties of spices! Beyond that promise, though, we’re given a very interesting photograph, with the camera angled just over the spoons to provide a graphic view of each individual spice. While we could guess at the varieties represented, there are many dangers to be faced in guessing at types of spices by their color and texture alone - a fact well-known by any cook worth their salt in the kitchen, as making the wrong assumption can easily result in an entirely ruined taste!
Image category: Food (Recipes, Vegan, Traditional, Regional, Restaurants)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: spices, spicy, chili, paprika, curry, coriander, nutmeg, italian herbs, turmeric, food, cooking, eat, dish, diet, nutrition, kitchen, recipes, dieting, cinnamon, herbs, grocery, seeds, roots, flavoring, coloring, preserving, invigorative, perfume, medicinal, antibiotic properties, dried, garnish, spice mixtures, cuisine, delicious, tasty