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Roll-film camera - Free art photo

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Image Description: An old style roll film camera; roll film was also referred to as cartridge film because it resembled a shotgun cartridge. Roll film was the most popular choice for shooting inexpensive snapshots from about 1881 through to the late 1950s. Invented by a farmer in Wisconsin in 1881, the roll film patent gained interest from George Eastman, creator of the 1888 Kodak box camera, who purchased the patent and all its revisions in 1889 for $5000. The most common sizes for roll film were 127 and 828 for smaller format cameras and 116 and 120 for medium format cameras. The roll film had a paper backing on it that allowed it to be loaded in daylight, and was printed with the frame number; this number was usually visible through a tiny window on the back of the camera.

Image category: Creativity (Writing, Design, Photography, etc)

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Tags: roll-film, film camera, photography, photocamera, photofilm, art, creativity, camera lens, cover, rangefinder, photographs, dark chamber, mechanism, projecting, visible, aperture, lens, diaphragm, image sensor, flash memory, old style, antique, tech, film, black and white, cartridge film, photocreative, hobby, digital, photographer, photo art, creative

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