Image Description: This photo album has a picture of a happy family on the cover, with a camera and photo film laying close by. A huge advantage of film is that they are so legible that you can lay out and edit hundreds at a time on a light table, whereas digital photographs require special software in order to edit, and then it is usually only one at a time. Another perk is that film shot today can be scanned tomorrow at even better quality, while a digital shot it is stuck in whatever quality it was shot in. Also keep in mind that technology is always changing, which means that in 200 years anyone can look at a black and white printed photograph, but there may be a limited number of systems that will be able to read and display data from a JPG or GIF file.
Image category: Creativity (Writing, Design, Photography, etc)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: archive, photography, photocamera, photo album, memory, creativity, photofilm, family, child, mother, kid, son, flim, mom, black and white, memories, recollection, photo film, old camera, film camera, photograph, hobby, photo art, film, photo archive, happy, inspiration, technologies, technology, cover