Image Description: A cute picture of a mom and her son caught on black and white film. Black and white film will outlast all of us, and film shot today will be scanned better tomorrow; scanners are always getting better! The old film camera in this photograph will be able to take quality pictures for many, many years, and using hard film will ensure that the photo will look more like what you see with your eye at the time of shooting. While most journalists now exclusively use digital cameras, except, perhaps, in the case of small town newspapers, photographers who take landscapes or huge exhibition shots swear by film over digital for the improved resolution. Another huge benefit of using film is that film will never erase itself or suddenly become unreadable for some unknown reason - a problem many digital photographers have faced at one time or another.
Image category: Creativity (Writing, Design, Photography, etc)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: photo album, camera, family, memory, photocamera, photography, creativity, social, kid, child, motherhood, mother, home, photo, black and white, archive, memories, film, old film camera, hobby, pictures, hard film, photographs, inspiration, creative, photo art, photo ideas, film camera, resolution, old