Image Description: A great up close image of a Kiev 4 camera with a lens; over a million of these cameras were manufactured between WWII and the mid 1980s. People love Kiev cameras because the lenses that fit them are so much cheaper for amateur photographers wishing to get into the medium format camera market on a budget. Some have reported that the prices of a Kiev camera setup with other Ukrainian or Russian components can be up to one fifteenth the price of similar Hasselblad or American setups. This authentic contax camera doesn't come without any issues, as the Arsenal plant that makes them is reported to have poor quality control, and it was reported that sometimes a brand new camera would ship totally inoperable.
Image category: Creativity (Writing, Design, Photography, etc)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: film camera, photocamera, art, photography, journalism, creativity, journalist, lens, lenses, creative, photo, photographer, photofilm, old, antique, collector, rangefinder, aperture, photographic camera, capture, photographic film, black and white, photo camera, photo art, hobby, technologies, images, image sensor, color photography, monochrome