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Image Description: A Kiev camera is the main feature of this photograph. Kiev is a Soviet brand of photographic equipment that includes photographic devices, among many others, all manufactured by the Arsenal factory in Kiev, Ukraine. The camera nameplates show the name KIEV; older cameras say КИЕВ in Russian or КИЇВ in Ukrainian. The low price of the Kiev medium format cameras was very attractive to those wanting to play in the medium format camera size market, but the Arsenal plant was reported to have generally bad quality control, and people sometimes received cameras with small functional or cosmetic defects; sometimes, brand new cameras didn’t work at all!

Image category: Creativity (Writing, Design, Photography, etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: photography, photocamera, creativity, art, film camera, sensitive, photo journalism, retro, antique, antiquated, collector, collect, diaphragm, lens, lenses, camera lens, old, photo art, photographer, hobby, creative, creation, technologies, film, aperture, rangefinder, photographic camera, capture, photo film, black and white

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