Image Description: This beautiful old tree shows its age in its huge size and expansive, gnarly root system, but it remains a hearty old specimen, living on a rock cliff that can’t possibly offer much in the way of nutrients. The roots appear to originate from an area outside of the frame of the photograph, probably working their way over and through the rock at the cliff’s edge over hundreds, or even thousands, of years, constantly on the hunt for water. The rocky nature of this landscape doesn’t seem to have affected plant growth much, with greenery dominating everything in the background, making for a pleasant scene depicting two different areas of Earth’s surface melding into one another.
Image category: Green (Sustainability, Environmental issues, Nature etc)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: old tree, tree, cliff, wood, forest, rock, stones, mountainous, mountain, hill, nature, green, age, ancient, root, plant