Image Description: Rivers are beautiful things in general, but there is nothing more breathtaking than rapids, whether seen in a photograph, or in person! Granted, these rapids look to be fairly minor ones on an equally minor waterway, but the potential force of water is still obvious in white froth that has developed over its steepest points, likely presenting quite a challenge for fish that are making their way upstream, such as salmon. In the background, we see a tree growing lush and green on the river’s bank, drawing all of the nourishment it could ever need from the mineral rich water at its roots.
Image category: Green (Sustainability, Environmental issues, Nature etc)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: rapid, flow, flood, river, rock, stone, stones, mountain, mountainous, nature, forest, wood, stream, freshwater, streaming, fresh, rivulet, brook, run, tributary, precipitation, ecosystem, channel, youthful , young, source, hydropower, radip, force, threshold, green