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Pinetree - Royalty free image

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Image Description: This little pine tree is about fifteen years old, and will continue to grow for hundreds of years more; there are white pine trees in New York, Wisconsin, and Michigan that have been dated to up to 500 years old. This picture shows just the kind of climate that suits the white pine best – well drained soil in cool surroundings, although they can also grow quite well in boggy and rocky highlands. These trees provide food from their delicious pine cones to a variety of birds and squirrels, while providing much-needed shelter in summer or winter from the elements and predators. Useful for humans, as well, pine resin can prevent the infection of wounds when made into a wet pulp from the inner bark and mixed with butter or beeswax.

Image category: Green (Sustainability, Environmental issues, Nature etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: pinetree, pine, pine needles, tree, green, cliff, mountain, mountainous, mountains, landscape, climate, rock, nature

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