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Viewing point - Free to use image

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Image Description: While it’s difficult to tell at which city we are looking in particular, this suburban lookout spot is a common theme in urban areas around the world, giving people the chance to utilize well-distant binoculars in order to get a good, detailed look at the metropolis ahead of them. This particular scene shows us an enclosed viewing area that sports a single pair of binoculars, with the city that will play host to their aim lying 20 or 30 km distant. The lookoff itself sits atop a fairly steep ridge, with green grass and other foliage giving the scene a deep color.

Image category: Traveling (Hotels, Volunteering abroad, Medical Tourism, etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: viewing point, binocular, telescope, observation, observe, position, trip, horizon, voyage, travel, traveling, journey, tourism, city, cityscape, landscape, travel destination, destination, distant, point, view, viewing, obesrvation, planning, aim at, metropolis, city life, lookoff, suburban, metropolitan, possibilities, perspective, grass, foliage, looking

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