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The Eiffel Tower - Royalty free photo

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Image Description: The Eiffel Tower is a symbol of Paris. It's especially beautiful at night when all lights are on and it is seen from nearly every point of the city. A beautifully lit Eiffel Tower; a stunning sight to see in the night time. The tower uses 7.5 million kilowatt hours per year, producing an annual electric bill topping $400,000! The Eiffel Tower in Paris has inspired over 30 replications and similar towers around the world; the original has been featured in films, television shows, and games. Named after it's engineer, Gustave Eiffel, the tower also features seventy two names of the contributing French mathematicians, engineers, and scientists who contributed to the structures construction. In order to make the Eiffel Tower look as tall and as grand as possible, it is painted three separate colors; the lightest on top and darkest on bottom. It takes 50-60 tonnes of paint to cover the tower and that costs about $5,300,000; this is done every seven years.

Image category: Traveling (Hotels, Volunteering abroad, Medical Tourism, etc)

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Tags: eiffel, tower, paris, night, night life, lights, france, french, symbol, sightseeing, sights, highlights, peek out, city life, cityscape, nightlife, nighttime, engineering, architecture, exhibition, exposition, tourism, traveling, journey, voyage, trip, romance, romantic, love, walking

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