Image Description: A public telescope that is pointed at the distant cityscape. These types of telescopes are usually a pay-to-use service, and normally cost about a dollar or two. These telescopes are on a timer of about five minutes; this provides an ample amount of time to scroll back and forth across the horizon. The mount for this particular setup is a large mechanical structure that supports the telescope itself, allows the telescope to swivel, and serves to accurately point and focus on objects. There are many styles of mounts that will do similar jobs, depending on the size and type of the telescope. These pay-as-you-go telescopes are very popular at high elevations and tourist spots.
Image category: Traveling (Hotels, Volunteering abroad, Medical Tourism, etc)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: binocular, telescope, horizon, landscape, cityscape, observation, observe, trip, voyage, travel, traveling, journey, sight, sightseeing, view, scrutinize, comb, check over, eyeball, explore, closely, examine, analyze, probe, investigate, review, consider, inspect, contemplate, inquire into, overlook, scope, scan, peruse, search, survey, public, distant