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Pigeon - Free photo for websites

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Image Description: This photograph shows us a feral pigeon is walking delicately on some freshly cut grass. The small bird is the usual grey mix of of colors that we expect to see on what is sometimes called a street pigeon; domestic pigeons and wild pigeons have readily interbred with their urban cousins, creating d a species of feral pigeons like the one in the picture. The pigeon is probably looking for worms or other insects for lunch; they are known to eat pretty much anything that moves. While he is down in the grass right now, pigeons normally like be up high. They tend to nest on building ledges which simulate the mountain cliffs, and tall abandoned buildings are a favorite place for them as they adapt to urban life. Usually when there is one pigeon nesting, there are dozens more; they are definitely a community-oriented bird.

Image category: Animals (pets, small pets, animals, wild animals, birds etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: pigeon, pigeons, bird, grass, green, park, fly, city, city life, beak, twitter, social media, social, social network, social activity, single, male, chat, tweet, nature

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