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White pigeon - Free photo download

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Image Description: This white pigeon has been captured in mid-step while trying to find its worm. The white pigeon is often mistaken for a dove, but they are a completely separate species of homing pigeons. You may assume that it is doves that are usually released en masse at sporting events or ceremonies but, in fact, it is usually white pigeons that are used because of their amazing homing abilities. If large number of doves are released, there is a high likelihood that they will be stranded, leaving them unable to care for themselves in the wild well enough to survive. When white pigeons are bred, they usually are either bred for pigeon racing or for homing activities, with the fastest birds kept for racing, and the others kept for ceremonial homing jobs.

Image category: Animals (pets, small pets, animals, wild animals, birds etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: white pigeon, pigeons, pigeon, bird, white, peace, green, grass, walk, city, cityscape, park, walking, marching, step, squabs, ornithology, ornithologists, slender, doves, birds, wild, urban wildlife, adaptable, wildlife, adaptation, ecology, ecological niche, urban environments, survive, alone, independent, habitat, breeding, homing, mid-step

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