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Birds in the park - Free to use image

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Image Description: A lot of black birds are sitting on the top of a gorgeous city park tree. The background of blue cloudless sky makes them look especially dark minimizing the least possibility to guess what kind of birds they are. However, if you leave the attempts to make out the details which would make you sure of the kind of the birds then you will easily understand what they are. These are the rooks. The way they are positioned on the tree gives them out. The thing is that rooks are the birds of lone nature. They would never sit in a row on one branch like the small fluffy sparrows or proud pigeons.

Image category: Animals (pets, small pets, animals, wild animals, birds etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: birds, flock, crowd, group, flight, feathers, animals, wildlife, cityscape, tree, branch, leafless, winter, autumn, spring, communication, community, communicate, discussion, debate, talking, conversation, chat, chatting, family, society, social media, city life, park, garden, gardening, nature, dialogue

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