Image Description: This is the picture of a dozen of pigeons sitting on a branch of a tree. The lack of leaves on the branches of the tree suggests that this is most likely winter or autumn. Anyway, it is not the summer with lots of colors. Such pictures remind us of the fact that besides a human being there are other clever forms of life on this planet. The ones with their own social life and orders. They sit at a certain distance from each other so that they did not hinder each other when they fly up. The lifestyle of pigeons proves that living in a society is more beneficial than living beyond it.
Image category: Animals (pets, small pets, animals, wild animals, birds etc)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: birds, pigeons, flock, flight, feathers, group, crowd, meeting, gathering, society, social media, communication, community, communicate, discussion, talk, debate, conversation, dialogue, dispute, chat, chatting, tweet, angry birds, park, bare, gardening, garden, autumn, winter, spring, leafless