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Image Description: This picture renders an idea what the process of thinking can be made of. Here we can see that thinking is actually the interaction of human brain and an idea. In other words, you are considered to be thinking when you activate your brain to consider a certain idea. This is the general definition of the thinking process. Sure, there are cases when you are just dreaming about something without an intention to invent or discover anything as it usually happens when you ponder on an idea. In this case the formula would have an absolutely different look. In fact, your brain is the only irreplaceable parameter in the 'think' formula.

Image category: Business and Edu (Education, Personal and Professional Development, Career)

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Tags: think, brain, idea, mind, strategy, brainstorm, planing, bulb, thoughts, intention, lighting, brightening, insight, afflation, target, aim, cooperation, formula, recipes, improvement, task, business, decision making, productivity, time management, concept, brilliance, genius, inspiration, inspired, brilliant, expectation, education, know how, knowledge, progress, development, invention

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