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Fingers - Free art image

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Image Description: This is the victory gesture with two fingers, the first and second one, sticking up and the rest clenched. Though, the gesture is pretty usual you cannot keep from smiling thanks to a certain detail. It is the two funny faces drawn on the inner part of the two fingers. The sad and smiling one. Over the sad face there is a rainy cloud with a lightning. And over the smiling one you can see a bulb in on mode. The former probably depicts people who are full of gloomy thoughts and heavy things requiring urgent solutions. The latter, in its turn, symbolizes all those who are cheerful and full of bright ideas.

Image category: Business and Edu (Education, Personal and Professional Development, Career)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: fingers, gesture, hand, palm, victory, face, bulb, cloud, thunder, lightning, raindrops, raining, idea, creativity, thoughts, think, strategy, brightening, brainstorm, insight, afflation, plan, planing, target, aim, productivity, self-improvement, genius, genial, inspiration, inspired, business, know how, leadership

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