Image Description: Our life seems more entertaining thanks to lots of ideas that come to our minds. This picture perfectly renders the way an idea usually comes. You sometimes spend hours in the darkness of long labyrinths of your mind trying to find the way out which is the proper solution for a certain problem. Finally, the idea comes and lightens up the way. Just like the bulb in the picture it makes you see the details of the situation that you are going through at the moment. On one hand, it seems that your mind is not quite the dark labyrinth in which you are trapped. You just should not think of the problem and the solution comes on its own without any pains of yours. However, remembering how exciting it is to find a solution in the result of wandering along the long dark corridors we prefer the active search.
Image category: Business and Edu (Education, Personal and Professional Development, Career)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: idea, bulb, productivity, education, afflation, insight, brightening, inspiration, development, writing, blogging, creativity, brainstorm, mind, mind mapping