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Sunflower - Free image for websites

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Image Description: The blazing yellow of this sunflower is showing us the main reason that people grow them; they are stunning! Sunflowers got their name because they look a tremendous amount like their namesake – our fiery yellow Sun. Sunflowers are a varied species and can grow anywhere from one foot to eight feet. The brilliant yellow of a sunflower's leaves will attract many insects, and the center will produce hundreds of seeds. These sunflower leaves can be used in cattle feed and the tough fiber stalk can be used in paper-making. Sunflower seeds are roasted, salted, and enjoyed by many people, and sunflower oil is a widespread cooking and baking ingredient. The seeds that are not harvested fall to the ground are enjoyed by birds and other small animals; those left alone will grow next season.

Image category: Green (Sustainability, Environmental issues, Nature etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: sunflower, sun, flower, sunflower seeds, seed, yellow, field, crop, summer, bloom, nature, plant, beauty, health, diet, nutrition, beautiful, blazing, sunny, sunflower oil, flowering, bright, oil, farm, blossom, cheerful, happy, petals, spiral, country life

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