Image Description: The rigors of winter have rarely produced such a beautiful sight; this ice-covered bush is a rarity in any part of the world given the unique mix of wet and cold precipitation that is needed to facilitate it. As far as the eye can see, hundreds of branches of this bush are covered with a thin, delicate layer of ice, with the trapped air bubbles within serving to create a glittering effect within each. Despite the impression that the ice gives us, the ripening berries to be seen in several areas of the bush are proof positive that spring is well underway in this area, and you can be sure that the local inhabitants weren’t pleased to wake up to such an icy reminder of a wintry past!
Image category: Green (Sustainability, Environmental issues, Nature etc)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: bush, icing, ice, weather, cold, freeze, chain, winter, snow, rain, wintry, iced, icicle, frozen, freezing, glaze, unexpected, sustainability, sustainable, preserve, environment, natural resources, natural beauty, precipitation, climate change, glittering, seasons, suffer, berry, berries, temperature, fall, protect