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Horse - Free art image

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Image Description: Dogs may be considered man’s best friend today, but it wasn’t so long ago that the horse was the animal most favored by humanity for its loyal service and friendship. This horse is sporting a bright blue harness, hinged with leather straps, showing us instantly that it is a domesticated, as opposed to wild, creature. Most striking about the photograph is natural blue coloring in the one eye that is visible to us, coming in at a shade shockingly similar to the harness itself; perhaps that’s exactly why this old-colored harness was chosen for this horse, making for an incredible match!

Image category: Animals (pets, small pets, animals, wild animals, birds etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: horse, portrait, harnessing, animals, pet, domestic animal, artiodactyl, cloven-hoofed, cloven-footed, farm, eyes, friend, harnessry, collar , equine, horse tack, harness , driven, ridden, drive, ride, horsemanship, dressage, breeds, wild horses, domestication, domesticate, muzzle, forehead, eye, sad, animal

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